Project Diversity
We work on a wide variety of projects, seeking to make the best of every opportunity we are presented with. We pride ourselves in our adaptability, and foresight in trends in the energy market; with projects involved since early stages of the energy transition, the EV revolution, and the rise of hydrogen.
Quality and Precision
We develop top grade infrastructure to provide quality services to all of our clients by selecting the best locations, resources, and technologies, and put special effort to ensure all their needs and demands are met.
We collaborate with companies across the world, in over a dozen countries. We aim to help China establish wider and stronger connections to the rest of the world, opening new possibilities and opportunities for everyone.
Global Presence
In everything we do, we look out for each other; whether it's by bringing our individual strengths to the table, or by contributing our efforts to a group project. We make sure to fulfill our roles and responsibilities both for our own growth, and for the betterment of our team.
Team Effort
We strive to maximize productivity by collaborating with leading companies across the world. We observe, respect, and learn from all countries and cultures. We provide an inclusive work environment respective of all races, cultures, and religions.
Inclusion and Diversity
Respect and Integrity
We respect all members of our team, value everyone’s abilities, and take pride in the diversity of our skills. We respect everyone’s input, and encourage our staff and partners to voice their opinions and suggestions to further improve our company as a whole.
Our Qualities
H. Sterling Group
H. Sterling Group is an active and dynamic international energy player fully committed to clean energy investment, project development and engineering consulting. Since its founding, H. Sterling has always been focusing on the LNG sector and renewable energy technology, which includes LNG infrastructure development, gas-to-power, engineering consulting, oil & gas trade, EV and EV charging.
As part of our mission to support the decarbonization of the domestic energy and global transport sectors, H. Sterling Group has joined local authorities and business partners in forming businesses to reduce the impact of carbon emissions. We have been seeking to pool expertise to position clean energy as its mainstream of business to help the drive of a zero carbon emission in the near future. H. Sterling Group supports and provides zero emission solutions for local governments, regional power sectors, industries, city gas companies and local communities to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels as much as possible. As decarbonization policies are being further enforced, H. Sterling Group is expected to grow rapidly in the next five years as demands for lower carbon resources are increasing steadily in order to reach a final goal of zero emissions.
Through H. Sterling, we want to bring together industrial partners, utility companies, transport operators, and policy makers and draw on their capabilities as part of a unique collaborative hub.
We aim to play our part as a custodian of the Earth and carry out sustainable projects that lower the overall impact of human activities on the environment. We see beyond the needs of today’s world and take into consideration the future generations of our planet, along with what is needed to establish a clean and healthy environment for all. We are committed to providing top quality products and services to our clients across the world, and connecting China to the rest of the global market, opening endless possibilities for future collaboration.